Murder 360: Catch Me If You Can NEW!


10 x 60'





Sub Genre:

Factual, crime, investigation

Original Broadcaster:

CBS/Paramount + (US) and C5/Paramount + (UK)


FirstLook TV


The body lies lifeless, a detective surveys a murder scene, an army of investigators is about to get to work.

Who is the killer? Where is the killer? How will Police catch the killer?

As we hear from those close to the case, intimate interviews with friends, family, and colleagues immerse us in the chase and the challenge to bring a killer to justice.

Intimately involved witnesses to events join series experts who unravel the setbacks and breakthroughs of Homicide cases.

From a serial killer who chose his victims along a New Britain highway, to the bottle-blonde grandmother who skipped from state to state to fuel her gambling habit before stealing the identity of a woman who resembled her - and then killing her.

Murder 360 means detail - every fact matters as we build gripping timelines of the extraordinary stories of ordinary Americans.

Murder 360 will set our pulses racing, move us to tears, and expose a slice of life we like to watch from the safety of home, all the while knowing that each day sees someone killed. 

View Episode 1
View Episode 2