Injustice with Raphael Rowe
2 x 60'
Available Language/s:
English (original language)
Original Broadcaster:
Title Role
Raphael Rowe
A brand-new, gripping two-part series looking at some of the most shocking wrongful convictions in recent British history. For every wrongful conviction there are many victims. The fallout from the original crime ripples through the lives of the victim’s family. For those accused and later absolved, the trauma of false imprisonment has a lasting legacy and many victims of a miscarriage of justice never pick up the pieces of their lives upon their release. So many questions often unanswered and justice for everyone involved, rarely achieved. In this series, Raphael Rowe takes a fresh look into two murder cases, each of which resulted in a miscarriage of justice.
Raphael Rowe was wrongfully convicted in 1990 for murder and a series of aggravated robberies as part of the M25 Three. After approximately twelve years in prison, having always maintained his innocence, his conviction along with his two do-defendants, were ruled “unsafe” in July 2000 and he was released. Since his release he has forged a career as an investigative journalist working for the BBC and Netflix.