Alderney The War Years


1 x 60'





Available Language/s:

English (original language)

Sub Genre:

military, history, crime


Eye Film


Charlie Gauvain


From July 1940 – May 1945 the tiny Channel Island of Alderney was home to the only Nazi concentration camp on British soil. Unlike the other Channel Islands only a handful of residents stayed on the island to witness the brutal German occupation and massive fortification carried out by forced labour and concentration camps inmates. 

Eye Film spent a year researching archives, tracking down survivors and islanders to tell this little-known story. In 2023 a review was ordered by Lord Eric Pickles to determine how many people lost their lives on the tiny Channel Island and who was responsible. The review has just been released and the findings show that between 640 – 1200 people lost their lives at the hands of the German occupiers and that none of these perpetrators have ever been brought to justice. Using testimony from survivors this film tells the true story of Alderney during the war years.

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